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Trust is the currency of every relationship

There’s been a lot of focus in the news over the last week about trust. Whether it’s our governments, relationships, leaders or FaceBook, we have trust issues today.

I’m convinced that trust is still the currency of every relationship and as leaders people will follow us because they trust us.

Here are some practical suggestions that we encourage you to talk about with your leadership teams regarding trust:

1. Build a relationship.
Information is everywhere today. Relationships are not. Let’s build relationship by having open dialogue through mutual respect.

2. Trust must be earned.
Trust is the currency of every relationship. People will follow you only as closely as they trust you. Trust is different than authority. Let’s be committed to earning that trust over time.

3. Listen.
This is something all of us can do, but few of us actually do. Did you know the words “listen” and “silent” include the same letters? What if we entered conversations and remained silent long enough to learn?

4. Be counter-cultural.
Most of the time people feel we are trying to take advantage of them. Remember people don’t help us fulfill the vision, they are the vision! We must be different. Let’s lead my empowering relationships rather than following what our culture models?

5. Add value to their lives.
It’s really that simple. People want to be valued not used.

We’re praying for you and your team this weekend!


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