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Matthew 6:33 Works!

“Matthew 6:33 really works!” Those were words our SUMMIT speaker Danny Duvall said to me on the phone a few months ago as we talked about the theme (NEXT) for this years FEIC SUMMIT.

We talked about our spiritual journeys since we first met over 30 years ago until today and how God has always been faithful to us as we’ve obeyed Matthew 6:33.

I just want to remind you today – it really does work!

We know that but yet many times we complicate God’s will and purposes for our lives. The distractions of life and need to solve problems can easily steal our attention from the simplicity of living for God.

As we simply seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, everything else really does fall into place. Period. It works. It always works!

So, let’s take the next steps. As we focus on where we are and where God is leading us, let’s remember this simple principle and trust that He is faithful to add “all these things” we are so worried about as well.

We’ve already hit a record number of attendance for this years SUMMIT. If you haven’t registered yet, please take a moment and do so today.

We’re honored to walk this missional journey together!

Larry Henderson

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