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Days Like This

Many years ago I remember a friend and I were talking about the surprises of life. He said to me, “My mother told me there we be days like this… she just didn’t tell me there would be this many of them!”

Have you ever felt like that? The reality is we all have, especially in IC ministry.

Maybe you are uncomfortable talking about it but the truth is we all have difficult days or deal with difficult people.

Numbers 11 shares a picture of how Moses felt as he really tried to lead God’s people. Verse 14-15 says “I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me. If this is how you are going to treat me, please go ahead and kill me!…”

We laugh at those verses and even think, “come on Moses, it wasn’t that bad!” Yes, it really was!

It’s funny to read how Nehemiah responded to the people when they would not follow God. Nehemiah 13:25 – “I rebuked them and called curses down on them. I beat some of the men and pulled out their hair…”

Maybe you’ve never reacted like that but you know there were times when you wanted to.

Moses and Nehemiah were stressed from leading people and guess what – we will be too!

Yet, that’s who God has called us to serve. I just want to encourage you to take a breath today and ask God to give you a fresh baptism of love and grace for people.

Don’t become cynical toward the very people God has called you to lead. Let’s love them, lead them and pray for them.

Yes, there will be days like this… probably more than you would like but you are where God has called you to be and He who called you is faithful.

We pray you have a powerful weekend of ministry!!


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