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In his book The Sir Winston Method: The Five Secrets of Speaking the Language of Leadership, author James Humes summarizes five tools that Prime Minister Winston Churchill used as an Effective Communicator:

1. Strong Beginning
He didn’t waste time with small talk but immediately engaged his audience with relevant thought.

2. One Theme
He didn’t try to share too many points, just one. He always communicated one central vision.

3. Simple Language
He didn’t speak to impress but to impact.

4. Pictures
He created colorful images and used them as “hooks.”

5. Emotional Ending
He concluded by engaging their emotions, not just their minds. He would call them to action by engaging in his vision.

Although our models and audience may look different than that of Winston Churchill, may God help us this weekend to be effective communicators of the most important message that Europe so desperately needs to hear!

Let’s remember to pray for each other. We’re praying for you and your team this weekend!


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